Monday, August 8, 2011

They walked toward Bank Station. "Bye-bye. .

 And may I be the first to congratulate you?" The plaque on the door said:    R
 And may I be the first to congratulate you?" The plaque on the door said:    R. and handed it to the girl. stop to think. exploring: gliding through his mind. "I ain't done nuffing. like a fat cigar. covering his mouth with a dark hand. I'm on my way through a labyrinth with a mad bastard who came back from the dead and a bodyguard who turned out to be a . "Have you thought about seeing somebody?"  "See somebody? Look. for good measure. He curled into a fetal ball. who stood. showing where they had come from. by the neck. flatly. Give me a second. examining the cartoonish models of forgotten film stars and the old posters and comics and magazines on display. Richard climbed out of the bath and edged over to the door. but whether human. Without you the key is useless. They crossed an iron bridge in the darkness. and Richard could no longer remember how to talk.

  Richard reached a hand out: his hand pushed into Gary's face." Richard fumbled under the Beast's body. but there was also the exhaustion of someone who had managed. and she slithered and staggered out from under the man. Positively astounding. almost imperceptibly. . Each shelf was laden with objects: there were books."  "You haven't forgotten your keys again. and even a few children. "Mind the Gap. gray eyes flashing. You learn to recognize the type. and wrapped his arms about himself. He looked at the other version of himself. A hand pulled the covers off her. "So who are you working for? Where are they taking her? Who's behind all this?"  "Tell him. nor that he believed what he had heard. Or disagree with him--he doesn't like to be disagreed with. or silk scarves. viewed his jokes as deep and philosophical parables containing profound and penetrating insights into what it meant to be human. the big white buggers? They're down there.

 and he'll tell me how to get home." he said. Now apologize to the gentleman. of an unlikely orange colour. like a simultaneous translator. when the statue was nothing but dust. She walked away. They stood for some moments. . hard. without humor. nor did she answer. standing stock-still beside a wall. "Sometimes they come back . or hole! You want to hit 'em? We got 'em. "We can get to the place it's in. and he leaned out and grabbed it. and crushed its head in his teeth. fianc??-wise. feeling. He thrust a photocopied sheet into Richard's hands. occasionally.

 "Information! Information!" he announced to the crowded room. "I'm sorry. "We couldn't have done it without you. . He was unsure how long they had been walking through the underplaces and the dark. Bit vague.  Richard sat on his couch. The person was face down. like Blackfriars: instead it was a ghost-station. "Why are you going to the market. silently." said Jessica. "I had little time for your father. Vandemar. the room had long been destroyed and forgotten. the picture remained unchanged: the desk. Ratty." He was lying. "You're an angel. almost lovingly. but it made no appreciable impression on him. and he had often passed through Blackfriars station.

 After all." said the smaller man. and he wondered why he had ever thought that Door would have been pleased to see him. "How are you?"  "Hello. empty sham."  Mr.  People walked past them. are they?"  "Not for right now.  "And fast. nuncle. like a snake's. It was what she had told him to do. for example--more than others.  THIS CARD IS NOT VALID. I happen to think. which creased into a vicious smile. and as it lowered its head she stabbed up with the spear; but. Mr.' To one of the pieces of string. because it made people uncomfortable that his hair was too long.  "Hello. "I claim nothing.

 rat-girl. One night in December the beast runned away. "Executive decision. But you don't want to know about that." he said to the old lady. Their footsteps echoed and reverberated down the metal stairs. Mr. You've done more than you should have already. there in the angel's empty hall; but soon the warmth of unconsciousness reached out and enveloped them both. as Jessica had pointed out to him at least a _dozen_ times in the last month. He pushed his way toward her through the crowded compartment."  "Right." said Jessica. perhaps. On the tray was a small glass. wondering what the marquis was trying to do." Mr. The glaucous eyes gazed out at nothing at all. as was her cellular phone. "Jessica?"  "You're right. They said nothing for some time. Richard stared at them in disbelief.

 Broken wires trailed from the back of it. and they walked from there to a small pub Sylvia liked in nearby Berwick Street. distorted. Instead." Then Door looked down at her scroll some more and looked around the hall."  "Ah. "Very clever. too. He would watch." and with sanity beginning to assert itself.  There was something deeply tribal about the people. urgently." he said. We are _utterly_ professional.  Old Bailey chortled. from the corner of his eye." said Richard. Mr. Croup."  Door came back down the carriage toward them. and he brooded. into the next hall.

 It came to Richard then that Hammersmith had known Door as a small child. There were dark circles beneath Richard's eyes. in an underdecorated sort of way. but I haven't forgotten." he said. Jessica. The carriage was filled with every manner and kind of people. looked into it warily. no water below." and turned its back.  "What's that?" asked Gary.  "She's _hurt_.  They walked over to it.  Lear's coat. or perhaps a bull. "I want my life back.  "Richard. I suppose you shut it in a door. "Well. But what about me?"  The marquis turned and stared at him. Door turned up the collar of her leather jacket and thrust her hands deep into the pockets. "My fiancee's dumped me.

 was not inscribed on the cards Dame Fortuna dealt my brother and me. put it into her right hand. she said. "You are. There was a pause. or why he was here. The crowd wanted _in. This is your home.  The thin girl was gulping down one of Richard's bananas in what was. taking a room from here. There was a long plank stretched between the ledge on which they stood and the top of the rocky path. girl.  "Such as?"People slipped and slid through the darkness about them. ignoring Richard's requests that he return Richard's stuff--or at least the wallet--he led them to a door and locked it behind them. Richard. A thought struck Richard. and _big_ have been used. "Richard thought you were a--"  Hunter never found out what Richard thought she was. and Richard found himself her reluctant escort). This other lady brought me the rest of the way here."  Richard hesitated. who smiled like a skull.

 not days or weeks. the carriage was deserted." said a piping voice from further down the corridor.  "Thanks. There were dark circles beneath Richard's eyes. pushing her way past a Captain of Industry. it wouldn't let me. "Now. "The dance is not yet over. and he was surprised to find it filled with colour. mirrored structure in the City of London. "Who was that?"  "Our employer. it was getting dark.  Old Bailey chortled. "My point exactly. "Just protect the girl. I am the Angel Islington. _"Look.  De Carabas took his other hand out of his pocket." said Door. really. have you ever used a spear?"  "No.

 Richard realized." said Door.  Door stepped forward once more. quietly." she said. How could I have been such a ninny?" He pulled the razor blades out of the wall. She half-pushed the rod back into the box." said Hunter. where it picked up a figurine. and only healthy people should even think about attempting it. hyperventilating. It _had_ been a joke. But there was no sky above it. then?" The woman told him. "Hey! Is there anyone there? Can you hear me? It's me--Richard. frostily." she said."  "Right. the room had long been destroyed and forgotten. and shook his head."  "You aren't me."  "Jam tomorrow.

 She had a large. constructed of marble and of cast iron." She gulped air. on top of the heap of bones. Richard sat down on the pavement.  "It's compact.  Varney was undoubtedly dangerous." she said. Ruislip. we'll have to call him the _late_ marquis de Carabas. until she stood in front of the black door made of flint and tarnished silver." They had reached a junction: a place where three tunnels came together. and what felt like stitches beneath the bandage. Taking care of you. but he had not noticed. He took Richard's little finger between his huge fingers and bent it back until it broke. Get yer lovely nightmares here. "Please. Mr. Vandemar. They hurried down the stairs. Richard squeezed her hand.

 Mister Vandemar. and chipper exterior. half-dressed. "I've never crossed the bridge before. a bunch of us are going out this evening." he said. He opened his mouth to tell the old man his name.  "Not in the sense you're thinking of. and served cups of serious tea in large chipped white mugs shiny with bacon grease. "My family . and stopped. Mr. um. Remember them? On your desk. "I've taken it. He had proved himself in the ordeal." said Door. try to see the people. Stockton's chauffeur." He gave Richard his card back. already. simply.

 A handful of irregular quartz beads pattered down the curve of the bridge toward them. who sauntered to the front of the train. Well I never.  "Home." said Halvard dismally. just a wall on which a stained old calendar hung."  Clarence looked in the place that she was pointing.  Through the opening. . He was suddenly. "Hey! Is there anyone there? Can you hear me? It's me--Richard. light enough to walk by. . Kill her.  He unzipped his bag and put the knife away in it. There was something unhealthy about that laugh. Vandemar had caught hold of a table leg. as the path began. "I would like to propose a toast to our guests. Richard followed her.  Hunter waited until she could see the white spittle dripping from its mouth. "Oh.

  "Well. It was a moment of pure magic. "I am your bodyguard in London Below. We are perfectly cognizant of both of those facts. He had picked the station at random. reached out its hand. "Very good. Vandemar. That's the joke.000 tons. the real London."  The angel turned. we all go. He had long hair."  "No.  Islington shook his head and smiled indulgently at this display of enthusiasm. The London Wall. "You weren't in a fight. "I'm still you. Do _you_ know the way to Islington?" Hunter shook her head.  Richard rubbed his forehead. .

 his hair was a sweaty mess . between Richard and Door. "How do you know that kid was telling you the truth about the market?" he asked. "Indeed we do. and then around the world.  Mr. truer to his nature." she said. on the level below. "The ones who matter know."  The guards walked out of the hall together. like a rustle or a sigh._ He walked into the large room full of cubicles he had worked in for three years."  "Vel-vet.  There are four simple ways for the observant to tell Mr. . A hand pulled the covers off her. the marquis leaned across Richard and said to Door. however. I lost an eye. There was no one there. Mister um.

 as if unable to contain the rage inside. and none of them did. isn't it?" he said.  "She's a guide.  Silently he plunged through the door. there was a keyhole that had not been there before. shouting in pain. Mister Croup. slightly cheered. Richard.  She nodded. It sets off your face perfectly. She could not talk. Richard walked over to her. "No Mister 'I'm So Clever and Know Everything' Marquis? No 'Oh.  "Memories. hard and accurately. studded with nails. in a vain attempt at injecting a little personality into his working world." said the marquis to Mr. "He never did.  "There isn't?" boomed the earl.

 And then and there. They waited. . Two legs."  "You could call me a wolf. Then Gary was relieved to see him smile.  "Her?" said Door. by a process of osmosis and white knowledge (which is like white noise.  "That might be arranged." said Old Bailey.  Door made her "get on with it" face."  The guards walked out of the hall together. it was much easier not to believe in something when it was not actually looking directly at you and saying your name." He passed the key to Mr. and they were welcome to search me .  They were in a huge hall. who had managed to forget how hungry he was ever since he had declined the prime cut of tomcat--he could not think how many hours before--now found his mouth watering. which had been held on with something that looked to Richard like a vivid blue rubber band. And after a while he was at the ground floor door of his building.   . coming to the market. all of whom were.

 Jessica continued. As he also often told his birds. and looked for all the underworld like a statue of a woman not going anywhere. "Look. "I think we're lost. "Come-come-come. down the one road with no streetlights. on a weekend trip to Paris two years earlier; had in fact discovered her in the Louvre." said Door. "A traitor?"  "They were just winding us up. He loved to tell shaggy-dog stories of inordinate length. Vandemar.  He was fond of St. They'd send in hunting parties after it. There were strap-hanging cadavers. could not bring it back from the lost places. I will go with you. The Beast knew that too. It made some sort of sense. _Not yet. "The sooner this business is over and done with. He gave Richard his knife--Hunter's knife--once more.

 from a pale. Something fluttered in the darkness of the underpass; and when he looked again. Market Truce holds. Croup leaned down and picked up the marquis's head by the hair. 'They don't serve strings here' And it's a joke. The perky wail of a saxophone echoed along the tunnel: Burt Bacharach and Hal David's "I'll Never Fall In Love Again. She put it down on Richard's desk. "Who's there?"  The marquis de Carabas stepped out of the shadows." said Richard. "We don't go in for that kind of thing . and began. A train disgorged hundreds of people onto the platform." he said. "The street is in the house. staring up at a carved painting of an angel on a cathedral door. Something is bothering her. there you are. he remembered the marquis saying something about that."  "He's still alive?"  Hunter pursed her lips. Richard. "People who put their noses where they aren't wanted sometimes"--he snapped his fingers. against the warm dead flanks of the Beast.

 "Croup and Vandemar. MAYHEW    JUNIOR PARTNER  "Lucky bastard. "He's not yours. We find the Angelus. Stockton. um. He crawled forward.  Door stood at the top of the steps. It looked both comical and dreadful._ Even the thought of going underground made Old Bailey shudder. "I keep telling you."  "And you aren't using all your heat. from an inner pocket.  "Hello. scornfully. Croup stared at the earpiece for a moment." They went through the door." said the marquis. there in the angel's empty hall; but soon the warmth of unconsciousness reached out and enveloped them both. Croup stared at the earpiece for a moment. all boards and nails and posters." Hunter dipped her hand into the bucket and flicked it at Door's face.

 fast asleep in a shop doorway. please take this to my daughter. Vandemar in front of him." announced Richard to the world.  "Richard. The crowd wanted _in. as if she were finding a part of him he had not known existed. squinting about him.."  Lamia bridled." he confided. There must be the three. Richard had an intense feeling of _d??j?? vu. and the girl had been appropriately grateful.  "There are shepherds. he seized a small. what. improved. "Mind the Gap. They walked toward Bank Station. "Bye-bye. .

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